Phyton (Terra Advena)

In-tune with the whims of Advena, the phyton have a primal connection to the world unlike any other.

Racial Traits

Average Height: 5'10" - 6'9"

Average Weight: 107 lb. - 150 lb.

Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity or +2 Wisdom

Size: Medium

Speed: 6 squares

Vision: Darkvision

Languages: Common, Elven (TA: Choice of any two)

Skill Bonuses: +2 Heal, +2 Nature

Ability: You gain the Something Something power.

Phyton Mind-Speech: You cannot speak. Instead, you can communicate telepathically with any creature within 10 squares of you with whom you share a language. This does not allow you to know the creature's location. In addition, you can use this ability to communicate with natural beasts, granting you a +5 bonus to checks dealing with such creatures.

Plant Physiology: You do not need food and drink as do other races. You require eight hours to take an extended rest instead of six, but during the rest you draw the necessary nutrition from the terrain around you so long as you are able to remain in contact with natural terrain. You take twice as long to recover from wounds, but never suffer permanent penalties from them. In addition, you have resistance to poison damage equal to 5 + one-half your level.

Reactive Stealth: If you have any cover or concealment when you make an initiative check, you can make a Stealth check.

Wild Step: You ignore difficult terrain when you shift.

Energy beings from another dimension who have adapted themselves to Terra Advena, phyton are composed of plant fibers infused with pure energy who have modeled themselves somewhere between the woods they call home and the other sentients of this world - meaning that they look like a cross between a plant and a humanoid. While their animate form requires much of their energy to maintain, their very experience as an energy being makes them more attuned to the natural energies of this world, the primal and the arcane. At the same time, the forms they have taken are sturdy and surprisingly quick, making them great hunters and warriors.

Play a phyton if you want . . .

Something Something

Phyton Racial Power

This is just a placeholder ability for code formatting because I haven't figured anything else out yet.



Free Action

Effect: Something will definitely happen, I just don't know what.

  • to be signficantly different in physiology from other characters.
  • to look like anything from a horrible plant monster to an oddly-human dryad.
  • to be a member of a race that favors the ranger, rogue, druid, and shaman classes.

Physical Qualities

While phyton have a default appearance as something resembling a collection of trees or roots roughly shaped to resemble a humanoid, they also have greater control over their form than any other race upon Advena. Given that their current form is one adopted by the race en masse upon their arrival in Advena, they find it possible - though a matter of considerable effort - to shift the growth of their structures to appear more (or less) humanoid. Some phyton, who keep to the deep woods of their homes, find they prefer a shape nearly indistinguishable from the native plant life, blending in with the great trees. Others, who interact more with the or races, find that their interactions with others are eased when they look more like one another, and so spend years carefully shaping their form to mirror another race as closely as one made of plant fibers, leaves, and branches is able.

Racial Feats